Ortho-K and Myopia
How Ortho K stops myopia from changing
The technique of modern Ortho-K is a safe and reversible alternative to refractive surgery. At Visique Optometrists Lower Hutt we use the latest FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) approved myopia control design techniques in our contact lens designs so Ortho-K will also halt the progression of short-sightedness in most cases, especially in children and teenagers. This is known as ‘myopia control’ and is the only means of controlling myopia that has been repeatedly supported by rigorous and respected scientific research.
Glasses and contact lenses give you clear vision by projecting a clear image onto your retina. Unfortunately, this image only follows the shape of the retina over a small area. The mismatch of this image to the retina stimulates the eye to continue to increase myopia and have it progress year on year.

With Ortho-K lenses, the image shape created by the corneal moulding on the retina matches the natural contours of the retina. The eye therefore loses its stimulus for change and your myopia changes stop in most cases, or at the very least slow down significantly.
You can find out more about myopia on our videos page.